Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

We have various pricing for each show, each size and positioning of your spot. Best to contact us and let us help advise on your best return on investment. Positioning priorities are given for frequency and longevity commitments. Tents are not included in rental space, and we can give you contact information if you wish.

We do more than due diligence to keep our fields reputation of Quality Antiques and Collectibles. We can share with you your "neighbors" genre if you wish.

Our field is not pre-shopped. We secure the field so everyone at the gate at the 8am "Rush" has fair game to some of the finest finds in the country. The people lining up year after year know this, and appreciate it takes more work and manpower to maintain our reputation and standards.

Respectfully, you don't. Unless you are OUR dealer, we will escort you off the field. Please see question above about admission, you can pay $5 on Friday and know it wasn't picked through.